Message from ILD Administrator

feb 03

Call for volunteers - Anyone available as proctor?

Hi all. In an effort to provide members based in Europe with an opportunity
to sit a certification exam on their side of the pond, we would like to try
to organize a sitting in Italy, sometime next Spring.

I am currently abroad, therefore I would like to ask *certified* members who
live in Italy if any of you is willing to act as proctor for the test.
All it takes is a bit of organization to find a proper venue, and then a
half day - normally a Saturday morning - for the actual exam day.

If you are in a city that is reasonably well connected by public
transportation (train, an international airport within 100 km or so, buses,
etc.) and would like to help out, please contact me and I will provide you
with all the details.

Many thanks!

Raiziss/de Palchi Translation Prize

gen 27

Raiziss/de Palchi Translation Prize
Academy of American Poets
New York, NY

The $10,000 Raiziss/de Palchi Book Prize is given for the translation into English of a significant work of modern Italian poetry. Publishers may submit books published anytime in the past (not necessarily in 2013), but only books by living translators of standard (non-dialect) Italian are eligible. Self-published collections do not qualify.

Postmark deadline: February 15, 2014. Please send 4 copies of each book (no manuscripts) to:

The Raiziss/de Palchi Book Prize
Academy of American Poets
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901
New York, NY 10038

For more information, please contact

Patricia Guzman
Programs Assistant
Academy of American Poets
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901
New York, NY  10038
(212) 274-0343 x 13

Translation Tips: Nicky Harman

dic 12

English PEN has gathered a collection of top translation tips from established and award-winning translators.

1. Keep your ears open for every bit of spoken language in source and target language that you might find useful. Collect it all in your head like a magpie.

2. Ditto – pick up expressions from written material too.

3. Read lots in your target language i.e. the language you’re translating into.

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Subtitling and Intercultural Communication (Save the date)

dic 10

27 February 2014
Subtitling and Intercultural Communication
European Languages and beyond
International Conference
Siena, Italy

Invited speakers:
Jorge Díaz-Cintas (Imperial College London)
Yves Gambier (University of Turku)
Henrik Gottlieb (University of Copenhagen)
David Katan (Università del Salento)

Organized by the Università per Stranieri di Siena, this one day conference aims to bring together - under the umbrella of Intercultural Communication Studies and Audiovisual Translation Studies - researchers who are particularly sensitive to cross-cultural issues in subtitling.
The conference aims to explore key concerns associated with subtitling and intercultural communication with a particular focus on European languages such as English, German, Italian and Spanish, in order to promote the cross-fertilization of practices, ideas and theoretical approaches.
The idea to investigate subtitling from an intercultural perspective, and also with reference to language teaching, is due to the fact that the Università per Stranieri di Siena, the promoter of this initiative, has been actively engaged for many years in these areas of research. In addition to this, recent studies have correlated the relevance of new technologies (of which subtitling is an example) with language learning, creating new scenarios which involve an increasing number of people with different languages and cultures. Other subject areas have developed an interest in subtitling: from translation studies to linguistics to studies on communication for the deaf and hard of hearing.
The purpose of the conference is therefore to gather scholars of various disciplines who share a common interest for the phenomena under analysis, in order to discuss these specific research topics:
1) subtitles for language learners;
2) subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing;
3) fansubbing and/or/versus professional subtitling.

The conference will address key questions which have been raised by audiovisual translation, language teaching and intercultural communication studies, with the aim of enlarging borders and enriching past representations.
Official languages of the conference: Italian and English.

Europa, la morte di un aggettivo

dic 09

Dopo il Trattato di Lisbona, in vigore dal 1 dicembre 2009, la “Comunità europea” non esiste più. La struttura dell’UE fondata su tre “pilastri” (prevista dal Trattato di Maastricht del 1992) è stata superata e i trattati consolidati oggi vigenti sono due: Trattato sull’Unione Europea (TUE) e Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione Europea (TFUE), che definiscono un’Unione Europea unica, un solo complesso giuridico.
Questa diversa struttura dell’UE ha portato a un piccolo, ma grande cambiamento nel lessico politico quotidiano. L’articolo 2, paragrafo 2, lettera a) del TFUE recita infatti:
“2) Nell’intero trattato: a) i termini «la Comunità» o «la Comunità europea» sono sostituiti da «l’Unione», i termini «delle Comunità europee» o «della CEE» sono sostituiti da «dell’Unione europea e l’aggettivo “comunitario”, comunque declinato, è sostituito da “dell’Unione”»....

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Pain is universal. Its expression is not.

nov 27

Why pain is expressed differently in different languages
Pain is universal. Its expression is not. 

By James Harbeck

Bang! "Ow!"

You probably have some idea of what just happened there. A collision or explosion of some kind, or perhaps a gunshot. Then someone voicing sharp pain, but probably not excruciating or fatal.

Now consider this: If we were speaking a language other than English, how would that sound?

The loud noise would be the same loud noise. But even if the noise was identical, the word used to represent the noise would not be the same everywhere.

We know what kind of noise "Bang!" represents: one with a sharp onset and some short reverb that often leaves a briefly lingering effect on the ears. It's made by a normal-sized thing, smaller or less hollow than "Boom!" but bigger and not as hard as "Ping!" You might expect similarity in representation from language to language, with differences due only to the sound systems of the different languages.

And that's generally what we get, although in many languages the standard word leans toward the "boom" side. Is it that bigger or hollower objects are generally involved in loud sounds, or just different cultural expectations? It varies.

In a few languages, it's at least nearly the same as in English — Dutch has pang and boem (pronounced "boom"), Danish has bang and bum (said "boom," as in other languages too), German has peng and bum, Italian has bang, bum, and pum, Spanish has bang and pum, Swedish has pang, bang, and bom, Vietnamese has pằng, and Mandarin has pēng (which sounds like English "pung"). Quite a few other languages have a "boom" word but no "bang" equivalent. In some languages, such as some from southern India, a "d" sound is used in place of the "b," but the rest is still a low or back vowel followed by a "m" or "ng" sound. 

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Medical Interpreter Education: The Gateway to the Future! (January 2014)

nov 26

16-19 January 2014
Medical Interpreter Education: The Gateway to the Future!
2014 International Medical Interpreters Conference
Houston, TX  USA

Medical interpretation is a very specialized field that has evolved over time into the fastest growing specialization of interpreting practice.

The overriding mission of this conference is to offer an international forum to showcase the latest developments in the field, to investigate its opportunities and challenges, and to advance the quality in services provided to language minority patients worldwide.

We encourage innovative ideas for presentations and activities that support the thematic questions of the conference.

The format of the conference is grounded in professional networking and workshop sessions that maximize audience participation, complemented by interactive plenary sessions on key professional issues. IMIA provides a forum for new and well-established experts in the field to develop their work side by side. This conference seeks to facilitate learning as an ongoing, dynamic and social process, and strives to offer engaging sessions in which diverse participants can form bonds, participate as learners and teachers, and feel integral to the learning process.

Conference home page: