Hints and Links for Medical Translators

by Palma Chatonnet-Marton*

This small compilation aims to help translators quickly find information on nomenclature and abbreviations from reliable sources in order to better adapt themselves to the market. 

More >> http://translationjournal.net/journal/63medicine.htm?goback=.gde_4195333_member_216260329

* Palma Chatonnet Marton is a biomedical and legal translator (Hungarian, English, French, Romanian) certfied by the American Translators Association and the Hungarian Translation Agencies Association, with a European Master in Translation (specialty EU law/administration), a Certificate of Translator in Natural Sciences, a Master's degree in parasitology (in French) and a Master's degree in biology (in Hungarian). She is a member of Translation WikiProject Medicine Task Force into Hungarian through Translators without Borders.
She has been involved for over ten years in medical and legal translations as a freelancer and project manager. Her key clients include pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organizations, scientific research and healthcare institutions, the European Commission, Council, and Parliament. She worked as a researcher for six years and published in English and in French in biosciences in several European Member States, on subjects such as biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, medical and research materials, devices and instruments, fundamental and applied research methods.

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